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The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) is a nuclear waste repository in New Mexico, but its expansion poses serious risks to our environment and communities. The plant, originally designed with a promise of a closure date of 2024, is now seeking to extend its operations for at least 60 years - or forever!



WHAT: The 2nd annual Plutonium Trail Caravan will protest the continued dumping of toxic chemical and radioactive waste in New Mexico by the US Department of Energy.

WHEN: Saturday, April 26, 2025 at 9 am.

WHERE: Starts at the De Vargas Mall in Santa Fe (SW corner by Paseo de Peralta) than go on I-25 to the Plaza in Las Vegas, NM and on to the Lamy RR Station.

WHY: New Mexico has accepted the nation’s defense generated plutonium-contaminated nuclear waste and toxic chemical waste for 26 years. When waste arrives from 22 generator sites, it crosses our state on its way to the federal Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) near Carlsbad. The US Department of Energy proposes to continue shipping this material to New Mexico for disposal at WIPP until at least 2086 and storing this material for 10,000 years!

New Mexico is not prepared, equipped, or trained for a traffic accident, release,or spill along our highways or homes. Due to the continued acceptance of this potential danger by our elected officials we New Mexico residents, must rise up to defend our environment, property, and families. We must resist by demanding that the state government stop accepting more waste and not renewing the permit for WIPP to operate, unless the federal government immediately starts building another repository outside our state.

WHO: Residents of Santa Fe and those along the I-25 WIPP corridor from Wagon Mound to Lamy (106 miles).


  Tewa Women United (TWU) and Communities for Clean Water will share information to help you submit public comments.

March 24, 2025 6:00 pm – 7:30 MT pm Hybrid: TWU campus, 1003 E. Fairview Ln, Espanola, NM / also online option.

Public Comment Training: Hold Los Alamos National Laboratory Accountable for Expansion Risks

Thursday, March 27, 2025 Time: 2:00–3:00 p.m. MT.

Three Opportunities to Comment on the LANL SWEIS -with help!

Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety (CCNS) will host a workshop for public participation on the LANL SWEIS process, focusing mostly on writing comments.

Sunday, March 30 from 1-5 pm MT in Santa Fe at the 3 Sisters Collective Studio, 3 Sisters Collective Studio at 1240 Calle de Comercio Unit A  Santa Fe, NM 87507.