Videos and documents
Messages to the Govenor
Watch the past Zoom Webinar
Last Week (3-14-24) the Massachusetts Peace Action hosted a webinar: “Oppenheimer: Sins of Omission.”
It was very powerful to hear the New Mexican speakers' stories. This webinar video is available on YouTube. You may want to check it out:
WIPP Conference
Here is the Zoom recording of the WIPP Educational Conference that took place on April 16th. Unfortunately, we are having technical difficulties with the Spanish version so only the English version is available now, though we have posted the Spanish version of the first PowerPoint, What is WIPP? Separately. We hope to have the Spanish version of at least part of the rest of the conference available later.
You can watch the entire hours-long recording or watch the individual PowerPoints and the Panel Discussion + Q and A by going directly to the times on the Zoom timeline below.
What is WIPP? PowerPoint starts at 04:00:00
What is WIPP Expansion? PowerPoint starts at 25:15
The Permit and Public Participation PowerPoint starts at 01:04:04
The Power of Our Collective Voices: Panel Discussion and Questions and Answers starts at 01:19:54
Listen up.
Joining host Carol Boss this past Saturday, April 8th is Cynthia Wheeler,co-chair of activist group 285 ALL and Joni Arends, Executive Director of Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety. They will discuss the proposed expansion of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in southeastern New Mexico. Along with this they advertise the Educational Conference that will take place April 16th at the Courtyard at Marriott where you can attend In-person or via ZOOM.
Today we’ll be talking about the New Mexico Environment Department’s Current Comment Period and Upcoming hearings on the Department’s of Energy’s Permit Renewal Application for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant , known as WIPP.
Protesters rally at Roundhouse against WIPP expansion
“The Meeting that Wasn’t a Meeting” July 16, 2022
Sasha Pyle, long-time activist and co-founder of Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety (CCNS) and Nuclear Watch New Mexico (NWNM), wrote a scathing letter to the editor following her attendance at July 7, 2022, “The Meeting that Wasn’t a Meeting.” of the Department of Energy about expansion and extension of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP). As of July 16, 2022, it has yet to be posted by the Santa Fe New Mexican daily newspaper.
Bob Aly, President of Available Media, a non-profit 501(c)(3) Alternative Media Group, filmed “The Meeting that Wasn’t a Meeting.” He compiled Sasha’s letter with his filming to document the extent of citizen censorship that happened at the WIPP Community Meeting.
More than 250 people attended the July 7th in person and virtual “meeting” because they are very concerned about the proposed expansion of plutonium pit production at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and disposal of waste generated by nuclear weapons production at WIPP.
DOE has stated it will not stop disposing of waste at WIPP in 2024, but will close “no earlier than 2083.”
Watch the video and let us know what you think.
4 Investigates: Scientist fired after raising questions about safety at nuclear waste plant
PRESS CONFERENCE March. 1, 2022 New Mexicans Support Governor Acting To Stop WIPP EXPANSION
Find out how WIPP's new mission puts your neighborhood at risk.
Featuring Cynthia Weehler
PBS New Mexico Report From Santa Fe
Featuring Don Hancock
WIPP Town Hall Meeting
November 18, 2021
Santa Fe Nuclear Waste Emergency Response Town Hall
This is My Neighborhood
Ask Governor Lujan Grisham to stop the WIPP expansion and protect New Mexicans from more nuclear waste traffic at Governor Lujan Grisham. Why would you want radioactive waste to be shipped past your neighborhood for decades?
Broken Promises Series
A Series of Shorts which explains the promises that were made to New Mexico when WIPP was first created and how currently the biggest promise to New Mexico that other plants would be made to help store waste is nowhere to be seen