Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated! Donations can be made online, with the information below. Checks are also accepted, please make them out to Southwest Research and Information Center (SRIC) with the memo: STOP WIPP. They can be mailed to 105 Stanford Dr SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106, United States.
We wish all our Stop Forever WIPP friends and supporters a healthy, productive, and peaceful 2025, and thank you for your past support. We hope you will continue to participate in opposing Forever WIPP.
This year will see some important WIPP anniversaries and upcoming opportunities to challenge forces that want to use New Mexico as a national nuclear sacrifice zone. As you know, WIPP is the nation’s only geologic repository for defense radioactive waste generated from building atom bombs.
On February 14th, 2024 the Coalition observed the 10th Anniversary of the 2014 explosion at WIPP that released radioactive materials into the environment, and contaminated 22 WIPP workers.
On March 26th, 2024 we observed the 25th Anniversary of the opening of WIPP. For details from the past events look on stopforeverWIPP.org, our Facebook page and on other social media outlets. Be sure to sign up at stopforeverWIPP.org to receive updates.
Thanks to those who joined us at both these events. And please scroll down below to make a donation to bring these and other events and actions to our communities.
Every amount, large and small is deeply appreciated. All donations are tax deductible.