The WIPP Permit requires DOE annually to submit a Report on Siting A Repository in Another State. The first report submitted in December 2024 was noncompliant with the Permit requirements, as detailed in the Southwest Research and Information Center letter of January 21, 2025.

On Friday, November 15th, 2024, Don Hancock presented for Stop Forever WIPP to the New Mexico Legislature Radioactive and Hazardous Materials Committee meeting in Santa Fe, New Mexico. See the Powerpoint presentation and more detailed statement with references.

On Friday, September 13, Don Hancock presented for Stop Forever WIPP to
the New Mexico Legislature Radioactive and Hazardous Materials Committee
meeting in Hobbs, New Mexico. See the Powerpoint presentation and more
detailed statement with references.

EPA Letter & Memo

The following article provides an important analysis, by a British scholar who visited New Mexico last year. As the birthplace of the Atomic Age and nuclear weapons, New Mexico’s  past, present, and future has and continues to seriously impact people and communities.

Future nuclear weapons and the waste their production will generate, are the main reason for "Forever WIPP.”  WIPP is currently the only national, geological repository for military nuclear waste.The author states: "A new weapons buildup means more nuclear waste when the US government has not adequately funded the vast clean-up from the last arms buildup, not just in New Mexico but all over the country and beyond."

Read about the Stop Forever WIPP Presentation at the State Legislature Radioactive & Hazardous Waste Committee in Clovis, NM on August 5, 2022.